Success stories
Plants treated with StimBlue+ showcased better responsiveness and yielded consistently higher values when benchmarked against plots with the same level of irrigation (e.g., 70% irrigation and 70% irrigation with StimBlue+). By responding better to stress conditions, plants will have greater photosynthesis values, leading to higher biomass and yield.

Cereal crops are vital to global agriculture, but they rely heavily on fertilization. That’s why we teamed up with an independent research group for three trials in Ukraine, the "breadbasket of the world." We tested against a competitor biostimulant derived from Ecklonia maxima, and examined different levels of fertilisation used alongside StimBlue+. The outcomes were assessed using both quantitative and qualitative parameters relevant to corn production. We witnessed +4% greater yield per hectare, resulting in a +$200 increase per hectare. By analysing the results, we can support a claim of achieving a 30% reduction in fertiliser use without compromising yield. This showcase how important StimBlue+ is for corn, especially at the beginning of the growing season, leading to higher yield at harvest.
We conducted a series of 3 trials to assess the effectiveness of StimBlue+ in almond farming. Our cultivated seaweed biostimulant StimBlue+ was used on almonds under standard and drought-stress conditions in Turkey, a known area for almond production worldwide.
The results clearly showed the significant improvements of applying StimBlue+ on almonds for both quantity and quality crop’s traits compared to a control group and a leading seaweed competitor from Ascophyllum nodosum. StimBlue+ showed a +15-17% increase in yield compared to control, showing higher economics for +$1500-1600/ha. Especially under simulated drought stressors (100% water, 70% water, 30% water), the positive benefits of StimBlue+ became even more evident, generating a greater yield between 8-15% compared to its correspondent control plot.
With climate change intensifying water shortages, efficient resource use has become essential. StimBlue+ showed remarkable potential to support farmers by significantly reducing water needs while maintaining yield.
The soil microbiome plays a critical role in optimizing crop yields, nutrition, and stress resilience. To assess the impact of StimBlue+ on the microbial pathways essential for wine grape development, we partnered with Biome Makers, a leader in assessing soil health at scale. Through their rigorous analysis, we examined the significant influence of StimBlue+ on soil microorganisms and their functions. Biome Makers witnessed a +200% increase in nitrogen pathways, +3.5% increase in calcium mobility by activating microbes, and increased populations of natural insecticide and nematicide agents.
An Independent Research Organization conducted a series of trials in the Champagne region in France to measure StimBlue+'s effectiveness for table grapes. In the 2023 growing season, the same trial was executed in the same location, with outstanding results (e.g., vine weight: StimBlue+ at 2l/ha dosage showed greater results than control +25.5% and competitor +52%).
For the 2024 growing season, we decided to repeat the experiment to see if there was a pattern in the significant effects of StimBlue+. StimBlue+ was benchmarked against a control group and a leading biostimulant competitor made of Ascophyllum nodosum. Click here to read the significant results of 55% increase in yield compared to the competitors' biostimulant, and +9% increase in nitrogen in vines.
Three field trials were conducted in different regions of Bulgaria, a key area for corn cultivation, to assess the effectiveness of StimBlue+ at varying dosages. The results showed that applying StimBlue+ at 1L/ha and 4L/ha led to yield increases of 29% (+€222/ha) and 34% (+€260/ha), respectively, compared to the competitor. At harvest, plots treated with StimBlue+ consistently demonstrated higher thousand kernel weights, outperforming untreated plots by 3-10% and the competitor by 5%. Additionally, plants treated with StimBlue+ showed a steady increase of 2-3% in hectoliter weight compared to the control.
The Plantarray platform focuses on the strong correlation between stomatal conductance and transpiration to enhance plant productivity and yield results. It enables objective, accurate, and continuous data collection by simultaneously monitoring multiple plants under different treatments in a greenhouse. In this trial, we simulated nutritional stress conditions by applying 100%, 70%, and 30% of normal fertilizer dosages to measure plant responsiveness, measured by water use efficiency (plant water management), normalized daily transpiration (proxy for photosynthesis), normalized canopy conductance. Plants treated with StimBlue+ yielded consistently higher values when benchmarked against plots with the same fertilisation.
To measure StimBlue+’s effectiveness for cereals, an Independent Research Organization conducted a series of trials in Serbia, a typical area for barley cultivation. StimBlue+ was benchmarked against a control group and a leading biostimulant competitor made of Ecklonia Maxima. The results were evaluated using both quantity and quality processing parameters for barley. This resulted in a 30% (+225$/ha) yield increase compared to competitor at 4L/Ha. At harvest, plots treated with StimBlue+ consistently showed a higher thousand kernel weight for the different trials, leading to better yield outcomes, more robust plants, and avoidance of over-planting (cost-saving). StimBlue+ at 2l/ha outperformed the control and competitor by +3% for the thousand kernel weight, expressed in grams.
Our latest trial to assess the effectiveness of StimBlue+ in strawberry farming under standard maintenance conditions are significant, showing clear improvements in both the quantity and quality of the crop compared to a control group and a leading competitor (species: Ascophyllum Nodosum). Applying StimBlue+ at 4l/ha application offered a 22% increase (+$2,950/ha). The 2l/ha resulted in an 18% increase in economic returns (+$2,400/ha) over the control. The trial showed that plots treated with StimBlue+ produced a higher number and weight of marketable fruits. The 4l/ha application outperformed the control by 21% in the number of fruits and by 13% over the competitor.

StimBlue+ at concentrations of 10% and 5% outperformed two competitors both using Ecklonia maxima, by increasing root numbers by 45% and 35%, respectively. It appears that the optimal concentration for this setup is 10 ml/L.

In this trial, we looked at plant height, cob diameter, and yield. Plots treated with concentrations of 2L/ha and 4L/ha consistently surpassed the control in all the evaluated traits. 2L/ha showed the best results for highest average plant height, cob weight, cod diameter and total yield. Plant height: StimBlue+ 96.4cm vs Control 60cm. Cob diameter: StimBlue+ 17.3cm vs Control 16.4cm. Yield: StimBlue+ 17.1kg vs Control 7.3kg
The experiment demonstrated that the application of StimBlue+ on wheat positively impacted plant growth and yield. The highest application rate (4l/ha) resulted in the most significant enhancement.

This study explored the effects of StimBlue+ on radish growth under varying water conditions. It found that in optimal watering conditions, the StimBlue+ extract increased growth, with an optimal dosage of 2 ml/L. Additionally, in drought conditions, StimBlue+ boosted dry weight and, notably, fresh weight and tuber diameter at 30% water capacity, indicating its potential in enhancing drought resilience in radish plants.

This research study aimed to assess the impact of StimBlue+, on the yield of Oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus). Results showed that treatment T2 exhibited the highest total yield, with a remarkable output of 1462g. Following this, treatment T3 produced 844g, treatment T0 achieved 496g, and treatment T1 yielded 470g of Oyster mushrooms.

Attributes assessed include sweetness (brix degrees), yield, weight, and number of fruits per plant. The outcomes show that plots treated with StimBlue+ concentrations of 2l/ha and 4l/ha consistently surpassed the control in all evaluated traits. The longest watermelon was 45cm. The brix degree was between 10.1% (2L/ha) and 11.3% (4L/ha). Yield was between 32.9 kg (4L/ha) and 48.8 kg (2L/ha). The fruits per plant ranged between 3 (4L/ha) and 5 (2L/ha).

Transform Your Farm with StimBlue+
Ready to boost your yields and enhance soil health? Contact our team of agronomists to learn how StimBlue+ can benefit your farm. Our team is ready to answer all your questions, comments, and requests.